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Russia new Hyperschall-Rakete Oreschnik sorts in Ukraine for big Sorgen. Moscow’s General Staff has said differently than Wladimir Putin.

Moscow – Was fuhrt er diesmal im Ukraine-Krieg Forests and hints in Schilde? Russland-Herrscher Wladimir Putin had a great time signaler new Hyperschall-Mittelstreckenrakete Oreschnik gegen Ziele in der Ukrainedarunter Look.

Hyperschall-Rakete Oreschnik from Russia: Putin and Gerassimov weichen voneinander ab

There is a man who has announced a new session of the Kreml-Machthaber on November 28. Moscow dominate the Militärbündnisses “Organization des Vertrags für collective Sicherheit” (OVKS) in Kasakhstan’s main city of Astana. Putin said: “The military operations, the security of the business community or the maintenance centers in Kiev are good.”

Putin has given his opinion on the Order’s first attack on a response to the Ukrainian’s Erlaubnis in the United States, Great Britain and France, which we see Waffen living in the interior of the country Russia einzusetzen. Aber: Sein waiter General Waleri Gerassimow broadersprach nun überraschend öffentlich dieser Argumentation from the Kreml.

Moskau Machthaber and Russia General: Wladimir Putin (left) and Waleri Gerassimov.
Moskau Machthaber and Russia General: Wladimir Putin (left) and Waleri Gerassimov. ©IMAGO/SNA

Ukraine-Krieg: Telefonat Swiss General Staff Chiefs from Russia and the US

Who the American Tageszeitung New York Times (NYT) During this Thursday (December 5), a message about an American-military message was sent by the Russian General General Gerassimo and the American General General Charles Brown who died in a conflict in Ukraine new ballistic Hyperschall-Rakete Oreschnik spoken. Where the operators understood General Gerassimow, the start of the missile was planted a long time before the American government of (Neither) President Joe Biden (Democrats) with the Ukrainian Nutzung American ATACMS on Ziele in Russia. Auch Moskau bestätigte am Donnerstag ein Telefongespräch zwischen both Generalstabschefs.

The Ukrainian military forces are on the border of the Russian Federation with ATACMS-Mittelstrecken missiles and the HIMARS-Mehrfach missile yard is being cleared. Ferner dominated London and Paris, the Einsatz of the British Storm Shadows and the French Scalp-EG-Marschflugkörper, linked to Kampfflugzeugen, bis tively in the Landesinnere of Russia. Kurz darauf engraves the Russian Streitkräfte the Ukrainian Großstadt Dnipro in the gleichnamigen Fluss with the insulting gewaltigen Oreschnik and the übersetzt verharmlost Haselstrauch heißt. Soul wary Reports about an industrial area, found in a Ukrainian Rüstungsfabrik – or befand.

Russian Oversetzung: Haselstrauch
Entwicklung: 2020er Jahre
Commissioning: 2024
Length: estimated 15 to 18.5 m
Durchmesser: 1.86 meters
Fighting weight: estimated between 30 and 40 tons
Geschwindigkeit: 12,300 km/h (Mach 10)

Wladimir Putin’s Oreschnik: Russland-Autokrat schwärmt von Moskaus new Rocket

Putin hates in Kasakhstan with a look at the Oreschkin nor erzählt: “We were swollen, the problems under the Kriegsbedingungen durchzuführen, as an answer to the Schläge gegen the Region of Brjansk and Kursk with western Waffen, with Rockets of Types ATACMS and Storm Shadow.” The autokratische and brute Russian power has the new waffen system is regarded as evil. The Ministry of Defense in Moscow has now started the initiative for the telephone company with Washington through the Russian website. This means that they are 18.5 meters in length and that the bulk of the Oreschnik is also available in Russian news.

It is a matter of a weiterentwicklung of the intercontinental missile RS-26 Rubesch trade. The medium-strength rockets have western evaluations related to the Feststoffraketentriebwerke. Ferner will start the program of individual ballistic flugbahnen in his soul in a starting beam on the Gefechtskopf-Mehrfach jump with his tragedy. The Sprengköpfe sollen angeblich Streumunition enthalten. Below: The Rakete soll angeblich bis Mach 10 high speed signal, also driven at a speed of 12,300 km/h, was itself made for the Raketen extreme speed. It is unclear what has brought the Western Aviation Defense System of the Ukrainian theoretical to the back burner, the restive Mittelstreckenrakete Putins have kept aloof. The fall of the Dnipro-Angriffs was not. (p.m)

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